Ligonier Country Club

Installments Single Golf Dues Enrollment

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Installments Single Golf Dues Terms & Conditions

· Unlimited Golf Course Access now Including the Driving Range

· Access to Exclusive Club Events with applicable fees

· Full Use of Dining Facilities, with waived room fees for private parties

· Reduced Guest Fee for Immediate Family ($10 off current guest rate)

· Tri-County Golf Association Membership; details at

· Cart Rental Optional $30 per person

· GHIN handicap optional $35 per year (or as set by WPGA)

· Personal Locker with your name is included

· Family Memberships include spouse and children up to age 18

· Food & Beverage Minimum: $100 per month for single memberships

   I have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of the Installments Single Golf Dues.   

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